Genre: Drama Premise: Based on a true story, in the summer of 1982, three kids innocently attempt to recreate Raiders of the Lost Ark, a task that ultimately ends up taking them seven years. About: Today’s script is based on one of the most heartwarming filmmaking stories of all time. Maybe the biggest fan-film ever […]
Sneaky me snuck off on vacation these past two weeks. I tried to rig my WordPress to automatically put up posts. The result was, um, not what I had hoped for, which meant I was constantly popping in to do maintenance, all on my phone. It’s not fun to try and fix a post when […]
Genre: Action/Adventure Logline (from writer): After jumping ship on a remote island, a sailor must escape from his new captors, a fabled tribe of cannibals named the Typee. Why You Should Read: “Typee” was Herman Melville’s best-selling book in his life time, NOT Moby Dick. The story was a hit with audiences because it was […]
It’s easy to tell if a movie’s not going to work. You watch the trailer and instantly sense that something is off (check here and here for exhibits A and B). You don’t always know what it is. But you know you’re not going to waste 2 hours and 15 bucks of your life on […]
Genre: Biopic Premise: The true story of how a CIA agent used his contacts he made in the agency to sell explosives to Libya after he was fired. About: This script made the 2013 Black List and got Matthew McConaughey attached half a year later. Unfortunately, the project became a casualty of McConaughey’s busy schedule. […]