
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a dying man programs a robot to take care of his dog when he dies. About: Talk about an 80s film package! This was a spec script that got a lot of heat at the end of last year, eventually landing Tom Hanks (presumably for the role of […]
Genre: TV Series – Drama About: While companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu have made high profile splashes with budgets that rival those of studio films, YouTube has released a bunch of no-budget pre-teen content that even pre-teens think is lame. But with the announcement of Cobra Kai, a TV sequel to the 1984 phenomenon, […]
I heard Charlize Theron gained 50 pounds to play the roll of Tully in the new Diablo Cody film, which comes out this weekend in an attempt to woo you away from your 17th viewing of Avengers Infinity War. It was a good script and the kind of movie that gets you talking afterwards. So […]
We experience one of the most critical battles of World War 2, Dunkirk, from three different perspectives – on land, on sea, and in air. A confused and frustrated Catholic School senior seeks to escape the boring town she grew up in and do something important with her life, all while coming of age. Born […]
Genre: Drama/Biopic Premise: A married news columnist who’s checked out of life finds his way back into it when he does a story on Mister Rogers. About: Originally, this script made a prior Black List, I believe in 2012. Then last year it became a super-hot property, attaching Tom Hanks to play Mister Rogers. The […]