
Genre: Super-Hero Premise: In order to fulfill his destiny of “freeing” the universe, an evil planet-hopping alien must defeat the largest group of superheroes ever assembled. About: The most anticipated movie of the year is upon us. Avengers: Infinity War baby! Writers: Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely (based on comics by Stan Lee and Jack […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: Facing the prospect of permanently losing her hearing, a music teacher gets an artificially intelligent cochlear implant that convinces her to commit mass murder. About: What would you do if the only thing that gave you meaning in this world was to be taken away forever? — If there was an experimental […]
It’s time for another, “Why Isn’t My Script Getting Picked for Amateur Offerings?!” As always, these posts are not meant to humiliate, but rather to educate writers on why their scripts aren’t getting chosen. I’m hoping my explanations act as insight for fellow screenwriters who recognize some of these flaws in their own entries, as […]
Genre: Dark Comedy Premise: (from Black List) A sociopath obsessed with self-improvement claws her way to the top of the fitness world, leaving a trail of broken bodies in her wake. About: Joe Epstein made some noise last year when Darren Aronofsky bought a secret script of his that follows a courtroom case with an […]
The movie that was so bad, it took down a studio, and gave birth, for better or worse, to modern blockbuster culture. Genre: Western/Drama Premise: A sheriff attempts to protect immigrant farmers from rich cattle interests during one of the blackest marks on America’s history, the Johnson Country War. About: Michael Cimino had just come […]