
Genre: Horror Premise: A PTSD-afflicted Marine must fight for his own survival when he finds himself held captive in the Alaskan wilds by a family with a horrifying secret. Why You Should Read: This script has done well in some notable contests and I’d like to see how it fares in the AOW battlezone. Clocking […]
Type 1 On-the-nose On-the-nose dialogue comes in two flavors. Type 1 is where characters say exactly what they’re thinking. The reason it reads false is because, in real life, people hold back on what they’re thinking. They talk around things instead of about them. If you want to see the truest form of this dialogue, […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: (from IMDB) A woman struggling with insecurity wakes from a fall believing she is the most beautiful and capable woman on the planet. Her new confidence empowers her to live fearlessly, but what happens when she realizes her appearance never changed? About: I Feel Pretty is the newest Amy Schumer vehicle. Assuming […]
Genre: TV Pilot – Drama/Horror Premise: After the brutal murder of their father, the Locke family move into his old family home, a mansion that is filled with numerous hidden keys. About: This is a brutal business. Joe Hill, Stephen King’s son, writes a pilot that’s a go at Hulu, the same place that just […]