Genre: Mystery? Premise: (from Black List) A writer struggling to crack her second novel starts to lose her sense of reality as the book bleeds into her life…and her life bleeds back. About: This script made last year’s Black List just as writer Elaina Perpelitt’s career started to take off. She got a staff writing […]
Genre: Drama Premise: After a young man opens a burger joint, he gets into a war with a salesman who wants to steal his business. About: “Dededoop dededoop.” Did you hear that? Listen again. “Dededoop dededoop.” Hear it that time? No?? Okay, try imagining a DeLorean. A DeLorean that prefers to go 88 miles per […]
As the smooth-piping vocals of Michael Buble once uttered, “It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new Amateur Offerings!” And thank goodness. Cause there sure aren’t any movies worth leaving the house for this weekend. But we only have to wait so long. Soon we’ll have Ready Player One, Avengers Infinity War, […]
I’m always on the lookout for the next big thing. What’s coming around the corner that has the potential to be a new outlet for screenwriters? Lots of people have been talking about virtual reality as the next big thing. I think that’s – pardon the language, but – bullshit. We’re 25 years out from […]
Genre: Drama Premise: A former Navy SEAL and his retired combat dog attempt to return to civilization after a catastrophic accident deep in the Alaskan wilderness. About: Today’s script comes from Cameron Alexander. It finished on last year’s Black List with 9 votes. The script sold to the producer of Beasts of No Nation, who, […]