
Genre: TV Pilot – Period Premise: At the beginning of the 17th century, an English sailor washes up on the shores of Japan, which is on the verge of civil war. About: Shogun was written in 1970 and was turned into a mini-series in 1980. A new version of the show has been off and […]
It’s been months. But a new script has joined the Scriptshadow Top 25!!! Genre: Comedy Premise: In 1944, a 10-year old Hitler fanatic whose only goal in life is to become the best Nazi he can possibly be, discovers a secret in his home that will challenge everything he was brought up to believe. About: […]
Genre: Action/Thriller Premise: On a safari trip, a family are driven off-road by rhino poachers and forced to survive a harrowing night in the bush. Why You Should Read: In 2017, a reported 1,028 rhinos were poached in South Africa. At this current rate, wildlife experts warn that rhinos may become extinct as early as […]
The topic of villains has been hovering in the Scriptshadow background for the last month or so. We found out what a great villain can do for a movie like Black Panther. We found out what no villain does to a script like The Man From Tomorrow. Tuesday’s script was straight-up titled “Villains.” Yet when […]
Genre: Biopic Premise: The story of how Elon Musk juggled two of the riskiest business ventures in history, creating a direct-to-consumer electric car and building a privatized space exploration company. About: This script finished with 10 votes on last year’s Black List. The writer, Jordan Barel, is new to the game. He doesn’t have any […]