Genre: Contained Thriller Premise: (from Black List) Two small time robbers become prisoners when they break into a house and discover a ten year old girl chained up in the basement. About: This one popped onto my radar because they just signed up two actors who I really like. The first is Bill Skarsgård, who […]
I was going to try to get out to A Wrinkle In Time this weekend until I found out it wasn’t playing at the Arclight Hollywood! It was the first indication that something was up. Arclight ALWAYS has the best movies. For them to say, “No thanks,” told you what they thought of the film’s […]
I’m obsessed with Wrinkle in Time and Ready Player One. They both have interesting storylines behind them. Wrinkle in Time is a film that Diversity-Destined-Disney was counting on to become a hit but, based on tracking, isn’t looking like it will be. What does that mean?? Ready Player One was supposed to be the ultimate […]
Usually I give you guys formal screenwriting advice. But today I’m going to change things up and give you screenwriting HACKS, flashy tips that aren’t meant to guide you to the perfect screenplay so much as spice your script up. You can use two of them. You can use seven of them. It’s up to […]
Devastating news, my friends. I’m under the weather. I couldn’t muster the strength to read and review a script. This stuff takes more brain power than you think. But I hate leaving you guys with nothing, so I wanted to highlight something someone brought up in the comments section yesterday. Jordan Peele quit writing “Get […]