
Genre: Fantasy/Drama Premise: A young mute woman who works for the government in the 1960s stumbles across a top secret project, an intelligent amphibious creature, and falls in love with it. About: You may have heard about The Shape of Water recently. Famed filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro’s newest movie screened at the Telluride Film Festival […]
Genre: Action Premise: When the United States’ most prominent aircraft carrier is infected by a deadly North Korean biological virus, they must figure out how to stave off both the virus and the North Koreans themselves. About: This script comes from producer Arnold Kopelson, who was, at one point, one of the top five producers […]
Scriptshadow Challenge: Describe James Bond in the comments section with what you learned today. Upvote the best descriptions! Let’s talk about character descriptions for a minute, shall we? You ever see that show “Botched,” about botched plastic surgeries? They need to make a show about botched character descriptions. Because I see them in nearly every […]
Genre: Action/Comedy/Crime Premise: When a Brooklyn gun-for-hire is marked for death, he must find the man contracted to kill him first, the utterly elusive Black Phantom. About: Jamie Foxx and Kevin Hart have wanted to work together forever and this was supposed to be the project that finally did it. The script, which was originally […]
Easily the best TV or MOVIE concept I’ve seen all year. But might it be the best concept I’ve seen all decade?? Genre: TV Pilot – 1 Hour Drama Premise: After a hitman is injured during a job, he wakes up to find a tiny blue horse named “Happy” floating over him, claiming that they’re […]