
Genre: Drama Premise: Spanning thousands of years, we follow three separate storylines that deal with the universal questions of love, death, and time. About: This script finished in the top 10 of last year’s Black List. The writer, Colby Day, is a brand new writer on the scene. He wrote one extremely low budget movie […]
Genre: Period/Spy Premise: In 1976, during a critical point in the Cold War, a Russian female spy is assigned to get close to an American spy who may have information on one of Russia’s biggest moles. About: Red Sparrow is a best selling novel that won the Edgar Award for best first novel, given to […]
THE WINNER HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED BELOW SEMI-FINALS BABY!!! The Final Four. March Madness. The Fearsome Foursome. Down from over 500 entries, these four scripts are all that remain. Today’s scripts had to scratch and claw their way to this semi-final, each winning by less than 2 votes. I can only imagine what will happen this […]
#5 – Horror! It’s 2017. You’re wondering what you should write. I’ve got good news. I’M GOING TO TELL YOU! There isn’t a person on this planet who knows what screenplays Hollywood’s buying better than me (it’s the new year, let me hyperbolize). But seriously, we know that Hollywood currently hates spec scripts. And who […]
Genre: Drama – True Story Premise: During the Cold War, a crashed pilot becomes a hero after surviving 54 days in the wild, only to see his heroism disintegrate when details of his survival come into question. About: I’m not going to make a definitive statement here, because I don’t know why Parter and Hillborn […]