
Genre: Horror Premise: Years after two girls sacrifice their friend to an entity they refer to as “the boy,” the less violent of the two gets out of prison and tries to rejoin society, only to start seeing the boy all over again. About: This script finished second on the 2015 Blood List to “Eli.” […]
Genre: TV Pilot – Sitcom Premise: A 30-something writer for an outdoors magazine suffers an injury that forces him to work back at the company offices, where the magazine is run by a bunch of delicate millennials with zero outdoors experience. About: This is a new sitcom coming to CBS which snagged the most in-demand […]
What happens when you switch a whole lot of shit around in a great script? Today’s script-to-screen breakdown tells you! Genre: Contained Thriller/Sci-fi Premise: (IMDB) After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack. About: This […]
Wow, all these people came out of the woodwork to submit for Pilot Week. It’s as if there’s this whole sub-section of secret Scriptshadow readers who were waiting for this moment. I might have to do a second week of this since there were so many submissions and I couldn’t get all the good ones […]
Congrats to Paul Schellens! Who yesterday won the “Introductory Character Scene” Contest. Really good scene – did everything I asked for. Was even clever enough to use a scene I’d previously suggested, which always gets you points. :) Nice job, Paul! Genre: Horror, Thriller Premise: After accepting a gig to craft a demon mask, a […]