
Genre: Sci-fi Premise: When a resilient and clever astronaut gets stuck on Mars, he must use every trick in the book to get rescued. About: The Martian is one of the most anticipated movies of the fall. It’s got a great story behind it, too. Andy Weir self-published the book when he couldn’t get any […]
M. Night’s new film shocks with a bigger than expected opening. But is this a “visit” worth taking? Genre: Horror Premise: (from IMDB) A single mother finds that things in her family’s life go very wrong after her two young children visit their grandparents. About: You’ve loved him, you’ve hated him, you’ve laughed with him […]
Next Friday I’ll be reviewing the amateur winner from a couple of weeks ago, “Small Slices.” A weird but intriguing little script. You can download it back on the Offerings page here. In the meantime, we have a tasty smorgasbord of script treats today, including a script from one of the top leaders at DARPA […]
One of the things I’ve always tried to convey to you guys is that screenwriting is NOT about writing. It’s about storytelling. This can be confusing and a little frustrating and has actually caused quite a few arguments in the past. Because I don’t want to go into some long explanation of the difference between […]
Genre: Drama/Satire/Comedy? Premise: A washed up political strategist becomes the campaign manager for a soulless presidential candidate in Bolivia. About: “Our Brand is Crisis” is Sandra Bullock’s attempt to add another Oscar to her mantel. The script is based on a documentary that chronicled a Bolivian election, although I don’t know how close to real […]