Genre: Sports/Drama Premise: In the violent world of underground horse racing, a wannabe female jockey and her trainer brother-in-law become entangled in an illicit relationship full of blood, sweat, and sex that pushes the limits of their bodies and the law. About: This script finished with 7 votes on last year’s Black List. It is […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Premise: A group of suburban kids stumble upon an old ship that shuttles them out into the middle of the galaxy. Now they must find their way back home. About: Skeleton Crew comes from Spider-Man director Jon Watts. It was developed during a time when Lucasfilm had a dozen shows planned. The money-stuffed […]
When a film does unexpectedly well, I believe it’s important, as a screenwriter, to ask the question: “Why?” I don’t care if it was a Michael Bay flick, a goofy horror movie, a love story, a slow-moving biopic, or whatever. To be dismissive of any movie that does exceptionally well at the box office is […]
And a really important screenwriting lesson on how to create tension in scenes First of all, I’m giving out THREE Black Friday Half-Off Screenplay Consultations. That’s $249 for 4 pages of notes on a feature or pilot script. These will go quickly so e-mail me at if you want one. Make sure the subject […]
Today’s script attempts to CARVE its way into our turkey-loving hearts. Genre: Thriller/Horror (Serial Killer) Premise: After losing his mother, a man finds the birth certificate of an, up to this point, unknown brother. He connects with him, only to learn that his new brother engages in a particularly violent hobby. About: This script finished […]