
Hey guys.  No Amateur Offerings this week because in two weeks, we’re doing an all dialogue week, including on Amateur Friday’s slot.  However, I know a bunch of you are frustrated that your script still hasn’t appeared on Offerings.  Well, now’s the time to pitch it.  Pitch us your genre, title, logline and ‘why we […]
Genre (from writer): Satirical Dark Comedy Premise (from writer): When his girlfriend becomes an overnight movie star, a lady shoes salesman must now become famous or he risks turning into the next Kevin Federline. Why You Should Read: Everyone nowadays dreams of becoming famous. You hit upload, wait around like a child on Christmas Eve, […]
note: For Thursday’s article, “Matt and Ben Are Bad People,” scroll down. Yesterday’s dialogue experiment was such a success, I want to do an entire week of them.  Your dialogue scenes versus the pros.  Here’s how it’s going to work.  Send your dialogue scene to carsonreeves3@gmail.com with the subject line “ME VS. PRO.”  It needs to be […]
Screenwriters not allowed. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck came onto the scene in a unique way. They weren’t the typical “new kid on the block” pretty-boy actors when their surprise hit, Good Will Hunting, took Hollywood by storm. They also WROTE their script. And they didn’t just write it. They LABORED over it. For years. […]
Denzel Washington approves of this screenwriting message! No review today. Had to remove all of my nudes off iCloud.  I mean technically I’m just wearing a speedo in all of them but you can never be too careful.  Instead, we’re going to talk about every writer’s favorite topic. Say it with me now: DI-A-LOGUE! Recently, […]