note: For Thursday’s article, “Matt and Ben Are Bad People,” scroll down. Yesterday’s dialogue experiment was such a success, I want to do an entire week of them. Your dialogue scenes versus the pros. Here’s how it’s going to work. Send your dialogue scene to with the subject line “ME VS. PRO.” It needs to be […]
Screenwriters not allowed. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck came onto the scene in a unique way. They weren’t the typical “new kid on the block” pretty-boy actors when their surprise hit, Good Will Hunting, took Hollywood by storm. They also WROTE their script. And they didn’t just write it. They LABORED over it. For years. […]
Denzel Washington approves of this screenwriting message! No review today. Had to remove all of my nudes off iCloud. I mean technically I’m just wearing a speedo in all of them but you can never be too careful. Instead, we’re going to talk about every writer’s favorite topic. Say it with me now: DI-A-LOGUE! Recently, […]
Genre: Comedy/Period Premise: A 1950s Hollywood fixer finds himself on his first job he can’t fix – the star of the studio’s biggest movie ever is kidnapped by a group of communists. About: This is the Coens’ next movie. As you’d expect, actors are lining up in the hopes that the brilliant character-building brothers can […]
Note: The Newsletter has JUST BEEN SENT OUT. Check your spam and promotions tabs if you didn’t receive it. E-mail me at if you didn’t get it. If you want to be on the newsletter, you can sign up here. This week’s amateur picks are linked below. Offer your constructive criticisms and then vote […]