
The pre-eminent writer-director It’s coming off this week that I hate French cinema. Not true. I couldn’t blanketly hate every movie that came out of a country. Like I said, I liked The Intouchables. I liked Amelie. But I do think the majority of French films are pretentious, directionless, and badly written. One commenter had […] read more»
Genre: Heist Premise: An American thief living in Paris (Paris. See?? French Week!) is coerced into pulling off a complex heist in order to save his kidnapped wife. About: Today’s script finished low on the 2011 Black List. It was originally a pitch that started a bidding war, with Dreamworks delivering the winning bid over […] read more»
Genre: Crime/Drama/Foreign (French) Premise: (from IMDB) A young car thief kills a policeman and tries to persuade a girl to hide in Italy with him. About: “Breathless” was one of the most famous films of the French New Wave. The French New Wave was a movement in the 1960s where filmmakers began rejecting the traditional […] read more»
Note: If you are a French screenwriter and want to prove that your script is so much better than the kind of films France is making, send it to me at carsonreeves3@gmail.com.  I’ll review whatever query best catches my interest.  Include the title, logline, and script attachment! Genre: Dramedy (foreign) Premise: (from IMDB) After he […] read more»
Bonjour!  Pardon, mon ami.  Je m’appelle Carson! That’s the extent of the French I know, despite spending 8 years of my life in various French classes (and  having two tutors).  How I passed any of those classes is a French miracle.  But that’s not stopping me from stumbling through Paris and pointing to various pastries […] read more»