Genre: Heist Premise: An American thief living in Paris (Paris. See?? French Week!) is coerced into pulling off a complex heist in order to save his kidnapped wife. About: Today’s script finished low on the 2011 Black List. It was originally a pitch that started a bidding war, with Dreamworks delivering the winning bid over […]
Genre: Crime/Drama/Foreign (French) Premise: (from IMDB) A young car thief kills a policeman and tries to persuade a girl to hide in Italy with him. About: “Breathless” was one of the most famous films of the French New Wave. The French New Wave was a movement in the 1960s where filmmakers began rejecting the traditional […]
Note: If you are a French screenwriter and want to prove that your script is so much better than the kind of films France is making, send it to me at I’ll review whatever query best catches my interest. Include the title, logline, and script attachment! Genre: Dramedy (foreign) Premise: (from IMDB) After he […]
Bonjour! Pardon, mon ami. Je m’appelle Carson! That’s the extent of the French I know, despite spending 8 years of my life in various French classes (and having two tutors). How I passed any of those classes is a French miracle. But that’s not stopping me from stumbling through Paris and pointing to various pastries […]
Submit your script for a review: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, along with the title, genre, logline, and finally, something interesting about yourself and/or your script that you’d like us to post along with the script if it gets reviewed. Use my submission address please: […]