
First off, I just want to thank everybody who’s written in recently to say how much they’ve gotten out of the site the last few years, from the guy who just started writing a couple of weeks ago to even a couple of well-known Hollywood directors. It appears that while there was a highly vocal […]
Today’s amateur zombie screenplay poses the question – What is character development really? Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, a PDF of the first ten pages of your script, your title, genre, logline, and finally, why I should read your script. Use […]
I remember when I first got into this screenwriting game, I used to see the films that finished at the top of the box office each year (Pirates of The Caribbean, The Lord Of The Rings, Shrek) and think, “That’s the kind of material Hollywood likes to buy, so that’s the kind of material we […]
You know, it’s funny. When the New York Times e-mailed to say they were doing a piece on Scriptshadow, I wasn’t as thrilled as someone being contacted by the New York Times should probably be. I knew an article meant more exposure. Which is usually a good thing. But I also knew that every time […]
I love it when a screenplay comes out of nowhere. Totally picked this one up out of a pile, and boy did it deliver! Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Procedural Premise: The true story behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.? About: This script was written, I believe, in 2004, where it was hot enough to get Leonardo […]