Warning: This is a rare “flu-written” Scriptshadow entry. There are only a few of these in existence. Which means they’ll be worth a lot of money someday. Save yours in expensive laminated paper please. Thank you. Genre: Cop/Found Footage Premise: Two cops (and best friends) begin taping their daily exploits, which include numerous busts and […]
Quick note: I’m moving today’s Amateur Friday script review to next Friday. So if you haven’t read it already, then get to it. Also, let me know which movie release you want me to review for Monday. For those who may have forgotten, I did an interview with Jim a little over a year ago […]
I normally don’t talk about directors on this site. Or post news for that matter. But this is just too juicy to ignore. The franchise I love more than anything, which was ruined by 3 of the worst-written scripts in the history of large scale filmmaking, is back on track. It has Michael Arndt writing […]
A re-posted old review of the screenplay that recently played at 2013 Sundance with Natalie Portman and Shia LeBoeuf in the leads. Genre: Comedy/Crime Premise: After his mother dies of cancer, Charlie takes a trip to Budapest. On the flight, he meets a man and promises to deliver a gift to his daughter, who, when […]
Today’s script was written by one of the best directors of all time and was supposed to be his next movie before his death. I don’t know how the movie would’ve turned out, but I certainly have my opinions on the screenplay. Genre: Period Drama Premise: When a group of men find silver in a […]