
Genre: Comedy Premise: When four grown-up siblings come back to visit their parents on their 35th anniversary, they’re greeted with a devastating family secret that changes everything they know. About: This script leapt up and grabbed onto the 2007 Black List with its fingernails, refusing to let go. Writer: Peter Craig Details: 109 pages, March […]
Unfortunately I’m on a plane and therefore won’t be able to post until later today.I’m typing this on my phone so I’ll be surprised if any of this makes it up.In the meantime, we shall chat soon. :)
Can it be true? Has a new amateur screenplay sliced and diced its way to an elusive “impressive” ranking? Genre: Drama/Horror Premise: (from writer) A secluded boy’s way of life is threatened when he befriends Rose – the girl whom his parents have imprisoned in the family attic. About: I’ve started to include 5 amateur […]
A thousand Twit-Pitches have been narrowed down to one winner.  Was your favorite chosen?? Months back, I decided to try an experiment (at the worst possible time, mind you – I was creating a new site and writing a book).  The experiment was to allow people to tweet me the loglines for their screenplays.  The […]
One of the coolest screenplay ideas I’ve seen all year. But does the execution match the concept? Genre: Sci-fi Premise: A former criminal is convicted of killing his ex-wife and young daughter, who’s gone missing. Looking at life in prison, he participates in a unique experimental program where he will scientifically “hibernate” during the entirety […]