
Say you could clone a younger hotter version of your wife? Would you? Better be prepared for the consequences. Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, a PDF of the first ten pages, your title, genre, logline, and finally, why I should read […]
A spec screenplay with no Black List play makes a strong late-year debut and asks the screenwriting community, “How could you miss me?” Genre: Sci-fi Premise: A top secret deep space crew comes upon a strange deserted futuristic ship. After boarding, key members of the crew start experiencing time loops. About: Echo Station was recently […]
UPDATE: There are still countries where the discount hasn’t updated yet, so I’m going to keep the $4.99 special going on for one more day (Wednesday).  Take advantage! The book with more screenwriting tips than you’ll know what to do with is just $4.99 through Christmas Day.  Snatch it while you can.  And Merry Christmas!  […]
Lincoln’s screenplay reverses the adage of “show don’t tell,” leaving us a show that doesn’t tell us much at all. Genre: Historical Premise: (from IMDB) As the Civil War continues to rage, America’s president struggles with continuing carnage on the battlefield and as he fights with many inside his own cabinet on the decision to […]
UPDATE: First off, thank you to everyone who applied for free notes!  Sometimes, when I’m doing this, I forget that these are all real people with real lives struggling to do this thing that they love.  That happens because it’s the internet and I see all these names but never any faces.  Hearing your stories […]