
Awhile back I read a script called Sanctuary under strict confidentiality from writer Todd Warner.  I thought the potential was so freaking high (it felt like that “Next Matrix” everyone had been looking for since 1999) that I tried to get on the project myself, but Todd was already working with people so it was […]
Welcome to Amateur Week!  All week we’re reviewing scripts from amateur writers that got the best response from this post.  We’ve already had one script perform REALLY WELL in “Fascination 127.”  And today we review the highest concept of all the entries, “USS Nikola Tesla.”  Is it only a cool concept?  Or is the execution just […]
Welcome to Amateur Week!  All week we’re reviewing scripts from amateur writers that got the best response from this post.  We’ve already had one script perform REALLY WELL in “Fascination 127.”  Will “Chase The Night” be the next big amateur script to celebrate?  Let’s find out!   Genre: Drama Premise: (from writer) On his 25th birthday, […]
Kailey Marsh’s Blood List 2012 is out.  And guess who’s at the top of the list!  Go Tyler Marceca and Disciple Program!!!  If you have any of these scripts, send them my way. :) “The Disciple Program” by Tyler Marceca 25 Votes Logline: A “Manchurian Candidate”-style thriller in which a man’s wife dies and upon […]
Taking a break from Amateur Week because it’s HALLLOOOOWEEEEEEN and that means Scriptshadow must be spoooooooooky for 24 hours and that means a horror script review but since I don’t have any good horror scripts, I’m reviewing a script that is ABOUT a horror film.  Sound fun?  I hope so cause I ain’t giving you […]