Genre: Sci-fi/ComedyPremise: A hapless and broken hearted barista is visited by two bad-ass soldiers from the future who tell him mankind is doomed, and he alone can save them.About: This script from British writer Howard Overman sold in March of last year and made it onto the middle of the Black List, right next to […]
Today I’m taking the day off. However, longtime Scriptshadow reader Christian Savage, who often critiques scripts in the comments section better than I do, will be kicking major ass with a review. And what is he reviewing? None other than “The Flight Of The Nez Perce,” from Desperate Hours writer, E. Nicholas Mariani! Yay! Genre: […]
Genre: Period/Mystery/Thriller Premise: (Original Twit-Pitch Logline) 1867 After losing her father, a woman unwittingly takes a job as a maid at a countryhouse of aristocratic cannibals. About: For those recently joining Scriptshadow, I held a contest a few months back called “Twit-Pitch,” where anyone could pitch me their screenplay on Twitter, as long as it was contained […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama?/Horror?/Supernatural?Premise: (from IMDB) In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the mob wants to ‘close the loop’ by transporting back Joe’s future self.About: Rian Johnson, who broke onto the […]
Genre: HorrorPremise: A young woman takes two friends back to the house her mother murdered her family in to recover her things before the house is torn down. Once inside, however, the house refuses to let them leave.About: The Quiet Ones is the first picture of a new financing partnership between Shine America and Emjag […]