Genre: PeriodPremise: In a small town during the 1935 dust bowl, a former soldier must protect a fleeing city woman from a group of gangsters who want her dead. About: I don’t know much about the writer, but this script made the Black List in 2008. People have been describing it as the next Low […]
Genre: Dark ComedyPremise: When the writer dies, a struggling creative exec changes the name on his screenplay to his own, only to find out that there are others who’ve read the screenplay, others who he must now take care of.About: This script sold all the way back in 1997 and obviously never became a movie […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Western Premise: (Original Twit-Pitch Logline) 9 strangers wake in a deserted Mexican town besieged by killing machines: they must discover why they’ve been brought there to survive. About: For those recently joining Scriptshadow, I held a contest a few months back called “Twit-Pitch,” where anyone could pitch me their screenplay on Twitter, as long as it […]
Genre: DramaPremise: (from IMDB) A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future – until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader.About: Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood, Boogie Nights) had been talking about making this movie for awhile, but backed off it a couple of times […]
Genre: Horror/ProceduralPremise: An allegedly rehabilitated Dr. Jekyll is pulled out of prison to help hunt a new monster who seems to be using an improved version of the Hyde serum.About: “Hyde” made the 2010 Black List. While writing Hyde, screenwriter Cole Haddon concurrently wrote the story in graphic novel form for Dark Horse. That novel […]