
Genre: Horror/ZombiePremise: A married couple goes on a cruise to heal their wounds after losing their son, but when the ship rescues a strange sick man, they soon find that their own lives are in danger. About: Hey, how often do we get to read a script by TWINS?  Touchstone bought this spec back in […]
Genre: Dark ThrillerPremise: A wayward aspiring chef moves into a homeless shelter only to learn that the food they cook here is a little more…exotic than he’s used to. About: The Wachowski Brothers’ first script sale was “Assassins.”  But they’d actually written plenty of scripts before that, including this one, which, after The Matrix, landed […]
Genre: Cop/ProceduralPremise: (from Black List) Four hardened New York detectives race to apprehend a relentless spree-killer who’s executing victims from Queens to Southampton in the span of a single day.About: This script finished in the middle of the 2011 Black List with 10 votes. Co-writer Alex Paraskevas has one produced credit, the 2005 Jason Patric […]
Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, a PDF of the first ten pages of your script, your title, genre, logline, and finally, why I should read your script. Use my submission address please: Carsonreeves3@gmail.com. Your script and “first ten” will be posted. If […]
So as you know, last week was kind of a disaster.  Actually, I wouldn’t say “disaster.”  But when I put together the Twit-Pitch competition, I had these grand illusions of finding the next great undiscovered talent.  And hey, it might still happen.  I’ve only reviewed the “maybes” so far, not the “definites,” and the definites […]