The Black List strikes again with this high-octane sci-fi thriller. But does it have the stamina to make it to the finish line? Genre: Sci-FiPremise: The United States is attacked by an unknown enemy that is vastly superior to them in every military category. Who could it possibly be?About: On A Clear Day finished on […]
She’s turned a number of your boring loglines into logline tour-de-forces. Now she gets her screenplay reviewed on Scriptshadow! NEW Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, a PDF of the first ten pages of your script, your title, genre, logline, and finally, […]
Talk about a great opening 10 pages! Okay guys, Twit-Pitch is alive and well. And if you were following my Twitter feed every night, you’d be seeing me analyze the first ten pages of these entries in REAL-TIME. That’s right. I actually tweet what I’m thinking AS I’M THINKING IT. What other contest does that!? […]
A spoon full of sugar wasn’t needed to make today’s screenplay go down. It looks like we have a new entry into the Top 25! Genre: Drama Premise: The story of how Walt Disney got the rights to Mary Poppins. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List with 13 votes, so somewhere in […]
Carson here. I’m taking the day off but Roger’s here to pick up the slack, reviewing one of last year’s Nicholl finalists. Just to give you an update, I’ve been reading 2 Twit-Pitches every night and tweeting about them live on my Twitter account. Writers complain that contests are too closed off and they never […]