
An old friend drops by Scriptshadow to review a screenplay from one of the biggest writers in the world, Cormac McCarthy! Carson here.  Lots of interest in today’s script.  I was going to review it but I know next to nothing about Cormac McCarthy.  I knew if I was going to do this right, I […]
One of the most successful Nicholl Fellowship winners in history hits Hollywood with his brand new Yeti spec. Genre: HorrorPremise: Sent to a remote arctic outpost during World War 2, a disgraced soldier learns of a giant flesh-eating beast killing the locals, and decides that defeating the monster is his one shot at redemption. About: […]
My pick for who plays the lead in…The Disciple Program. Leo’s people, are you listening? In six days, everything changes.  That’s because for the first time in Scriptshadow’s history, an amateur screenplay will make the Top 10.  I’ve been waiting for this moment for a LOOOONG time.  Now I won’t be able to post the […]
Today’s amateur screenplay offers us the rare combination of Nazis and children’s books. Can these two elements coexist? Read on to find out. Amateur Friday Submission Process: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send it in PDF form, along with your title, genre, logline, and why I should read your script to Carsonreeves3@gmail.com. […]
Longtime Scriptshadow reader Timothy Mannion rolls onto the scene with his first produced screenwriting credit, Brake.   Hello my friends.  Today’s name might be familiar to you longtime Scriptshadow readers.  Timothy Mannion entered my logline contest way back in the day and finished near the top with this very logline!  He since went on to […]