Genre: ComedyPremise: In 1986, the year Halloween lost its innocence, three junior high best friends try to salvage their last shot at the holiday. About: There’s not a whole lot of info on this screenplay but it looks to have been commissioned from National Lampoon’s for Robbie Chavitz to write. Robbie has been working for […]
I guess we should’ve known Nicholl would never allow scripts as weird as Fig Hunt and A Many Splintered Thing to win. That’s not their M.O. They tend to highlight those types of scripts in their finalists category, then award the trophy to more serious fare. I haven’t read any of the winning scripts yet, […]
Edit: I was able to get my hands on the newest version of Fig Hunter and give it a read. As a result, I’ve decided to add my thoughts on the new draft, which will appear after the original review. So make sure to read til the end! Genre: Comedy/MockumentaryPremise: A couple of “fig hunters” […]
Genre: Biopic/Thriller Premise: The story of how Alan Turing cracked the impossible “Enigma” code, which helped the Allies win World War 2. About: If I were to gauge the buzz around all the spec screenplays this year, this one would probably be at the top of the list. In fact, I’m betting this script is […]
Genre: Sci-fiPremise: On their way to California, a family stops at a truck stop, only to realize it’s inhabited by a strange alien force. About: Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. If you’re interested in submitting your script for an Amateur Review, send it in PDF form, along with […]