Genre: Drama/ThrillerPremise: After a young couple accidentally records the killing of a mailman, they try to collect on a little-known reward the government hands out for proof in the killing of federal workers. About: This is Roberto Patino’s first breakthrough script, which landed on the bottom half of the 2009 Black List. Right now, Matt […]
Genre: Horror/ThrillerPremise: A single mother on her last financial leg meets a rich charming man with a dark secret. About: This is a spec script that was purchased a couple of years back. Haimes is the same writer who wrote the recently reviewed Jitters and since I enjoyed that script, I decided to read this […]
Genre: Thriller/DramaPremise: A young woman comes to live with her estranged sister who is married to a mysterious and dangerous man.About: Jamaica Inn was a best selling novel back in the 1930s which was eventually made into a film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The script appeared on last year’s Brit List, which is the British […]
We’re back for our last day of Star Wars Week. To find out more, head back to Monday’s review of The Empire Strikes Back. Genre: Sci-fi/FantasyPremise: (from IMDB) After three years of fighting in the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker concludes his journey towards the Dark Side of the Force, putting his friendship with Obi Wan […]
We’re back for Day 4 of Star Wars Week. To find out more, head back to Monday’s review of The Empire Strikes Back. Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy Premise: (from IMDB) Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padmé Amidala while his teacher, Obi-Wan Kenobi, makes an investigation of a separatist assassination attempt on Padmé which leads to […]