
Genre: Western (TV pilot) Premise: In 1865, a town physically moves across the frontier, following the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. About: Hell on Wheels is an AMC show set to debut either this year or early next year. Tony Gayton won the Jack Nicholson Screenwriting scholarship at USC, where he attended, over a decade […]
Genre: Romantic Comedy Premise: A guy begins hanging out with a girl under the pretense that she’s single, only to later find out she has a boyfriend. About: The F Word has been in my Top 25 since the beginning of my blog! And I’m finally getting around to reviewing it. Don’t worry all you […]
Lots of people have been asking me if I plan to review Django Unchained.  The answer is no.  The Weinsteins are wreaking havoc for those posting online reviews so it’s just not worth it.  However, I know a lot of you have read the script and don’t really have a place to discuss it.  So, […]
Genre: PeriodPremise: New York, 1910. When a group of starving female workers strike against the most powerful garment manufacturer in America, they turn to a clever young reformer who must lead them in a fight for human dignity before winter — or worse — takes their lives. Based on actual events.About: Every Friday, I review […]
When I think of Cameron Crowe, the first movie that comes to mind is Jerry Maguire. But I think Say Anything may be the best script he’s ever written. One of the reasons why it’s stood the test of time is that it’s so different. I mean seriously, when’s the last time you read a […]