Genre: ComedyPremise: When his sister joins him at the New York Stock Exchange as an intern, Drew thinks it’s going to be the best summer ever – until he realizes that every single guy at the company wants to _____ his sister. About: I Want To ____ Your Sister made huge waves back in 2007 […]
Genre: Crime/Drama/NoirPremise: A retired detective is hired by a drug dealer to find the men who brutally murdered his wife. About: The other day, I reviewed a new (old) script that made it on to my Top 25, After Hailey, by Scott Frank. Afterwards, I sought out more Scott Frank scripts hoping to strike gold […]
Genre: Drama/SportsPremise: A teenage boy hoping to escape the poverty of his West African village finds the opportunity when a professional futebol scout comes to town. About: Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. If you’re interested in submitting your script for an Amateur Review, send it in PDF form, […]
So last week I gave you ten screenwriting tips to take away from Aliens, one of the best sci-fi action films ever. This week, we’re looking at the sequel to Aliens, Alien 3, which a young David Fincher directed. Now originally, I wrote this long impassioned opening about how terribly directed this movie was. The […]
No! Lots of people have been asking me if I went to see my favorite screenplay, Everything Must Go, yet. The answer is, no, I have not. The reason? Because I’m terrified of ruining the perfect movie that is in my head. I’m hearing mixed things about the film and I’m afraid if I go […]