
Genre: Dystopian/Horror Premise: Twin sisters live in a commune where, once they hit puberty, one of the twins becomes a monster and must be killed. But when the twins learn that their community is keeping big secrets from them, they make a run for it. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List with […]
Genre: TV – 1 hour drama Premise: Two dads in Suffolk County engage in an intense feud that bubbles over into their innocent childrens’ baseball league. About:  A huge article purchase from over on Esquire (article has a paywall unfortunately).  Jason Bateman and Netflix continue their love affair as the streamer paid big bucks to […]
This weekend, I found myself checking the box office numbers for the weekend and noticing that the two top movies (Elemental and Spider-Verse) were holdovers, and that neither cracked 20 million. The big new release, No Hard Feelings, sputtered to the finish line with 15 million dollars. We are in the middle of summer!  Summer […]
Every second-to-last Friday of the month, I will post the best five loglines submitted to me. You, the readers of the site, will vote for your favorite in the comments section. I then review the script of the logline that received the most votes the following Friday. If you didn’t enter this month’s showdown, don’t […]
24 hours left to get your June Logline Showdown loglines in (10pm Pacific, Thursday night)! Send your title, genre, and logline to carsonreeves3@gmail.com! Best five loglines will duke it out this weekend. Winner gets a review! A couple of days ago I engaged in an activity I detest, which was to defiantly write off something […]