
Because my original Aliens post is still somewhere in Blogger’s belly, I’m reposting it until they belch it back up.  Unfortunately, that means that the previous comments won’t show up here, and any new comments you post won’t show up when I bring back the original post.  But for reading purposes, here you go. :)  […]
Note: Apparently Blogger’s gone nuts.  They’re supposed to have things figured out soon (or so they say) but until then, yesterday’s Aliens post will remain an enigma.  Which begs the question: Did it really happen?  Did it?   Genre: ThrillerPremise: Days away from his execution, the most notorious man in America awakens with amnesia and […]
Genre: Drama/ComedyPremise: After a cruel heartless efficiency expert gets fired, he meets a strange 16 year old girl who unexpectedly helps him turn his life around. About: The writer of today’s script is the same writer of the recently sold (and in production) Seeking A Friend At The End Of The World, which I loved. […]
So the other day I was thinking about my Top 25, and I realized something.  Many of the scripts in my Top 10 were scripts I’d read a thousand scripts ago.  I was holding onto them mainly because they were already in the Top 10, and I was too much of a wimp to place […]
Genre: ActionPremise: A young man sets out to uncover the truth about his life after finding his baby photo on a missing persons website.About: Abduction represents that golden screenwriting ticket. A true spec sale that, right after selling, goes racing into production. We should all be so lucky. Former (and current?) rocker Shawn Christensen wrote […]