Genre: Heist/Thriller/Period/Romance Premise: Set in 1962, a male and female jewel thief must put a team together to take down a sinister German business mogul who made his untold riches during World War 2. About: This newest version of Oceans is being spearheaded by Margot Robbie, who is said to be the creative leader of […]
For one day only, we’ll be talking about the shocking interview UFO whistleblower David Grusch just did! First of all, I promise I’ll tie this all into screenwriting by the end of the post. But before we get to that, I want to talk about these latest UFO allegations that have hit the news in […]
While the box office helps screenwriters keep track of industry trends, which helps inform them when it comes time to write something, the majority of that data is useless. To screenwriters, I mean. There isn’t anything the average screenwriter can learn from Super Mario Brothers making a billion dollars. All movies in the top 10 […]
Genre: Horror/Action Premise: A lonely bounty hunter trying to improve his life goes around LA killing secret monsters hiding inside human bodies. His job gets a lot more complicated when he’s forced to team up with his first partner. About: This one sold for a bunch of money in a competitive bidding war that ultimately […]
Genre: Comedy/Action Premise: A secret CIA spy must save the day when her best friend’s destination wedding is infiltrated by terrorists planning to break into the rich fiancé’s vault and steal all his money. About: This project will star Rebel Wilson. It will be directed by Simon West. The script comes from Shaina Steinberg. Steinberg […]