
Genre: True Story Premise: The true story of the rise and fall of the Blackberry, a handheld internet device that become a phenomenon, only to get wiped out by the biggest company in the world. About: Blackberry is the surprise movie of the year so far. It’s the little film that could. Glen Howerton, who’s […]
We’ve got Tarantino talking about his latest script. We’ve got that spooky new film coming out of Cannes. We answer the question, should you turn your script into a podcast movie? We’ve got more AI talk. Gareth Edwards, the man who directed Rogue One, is back with a film. How does it look? We gear […]
“I want the truth!” Every time I put the month’s logline winners up for Logline Showdown, I always get a dozen comments that amount to, “THIS IS THE BEST YOU HAVE????” I get it. It’s the internet. We want perfection. We want the posts on our terms. I do it as well on other sites. […]
Genre: Drama/Period Premise: Back in 1518, there was an infamous real-life “dancing plague” that took over a town and proceeded to kill dozens of people. To this day, there is no consensus on what happened. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List. So far, the writer, Julian Wayser, has made a couple of […]
It’s time for an apology. Or is it time for one of those apologies that aren’t really apologies? You know the kind I’m talking about. The kind where you apologize to anyone who was potentially offended by what you said? But not for what was actually said, which would denote the act that required the […]