
Genre: Drama/Coming-of-AgePremise: A dysfunctional group of friends living in San Francisco post-college find that making it in the real world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. About: This script finished with 9 mentions on the 2006 Black List. Not knowing anything about the writers, Susanna Fogel and Joni Lefkowitz, I did some research after […]
 Galvaston FOX WINS BIDDING WAR ON LINCOLNThe big news is that [sorta] spec script Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was finally picked up by Fox in a furious bidding war. Deadline Hollywood reports that the Tim Burton (producer) Timur B. (director) project was courted by Fox in ways that writers could only dream of being courted. […]
The next two weeks should be fun.  We have a pretty big spec sale we’re reviewing later in the week.  We also have a “Reality Bites” type script that makes Reality Bites look like a shitty student film (which some will point out isn’t hard to do).  We have another comedy spec that’s made some […]
I get a couple of e-mails every week asking for which screenwriting books I recommend and this post was always popular, so I’m bringing it back and in classic Hollywood fashion, I’m reimagining the article. That’s the way you do it these days. You don’t make sequels. You “reimagine.” We’ll start with the best book […]
 Well, I guess the big news today is that Scriptshadow script favorite, “The Social Network,” is opening.  The movie, based in part on the book, The Accidental Billionaires, is a total mystery when it comes to its box office potential.  The guys over at Slash Film were saying that all their normal non-movie friends had […]