
Genre: Thriller/Contained/Drama/Post-ApocalypticPremise: A married couple is vacationing on the island where they spent their honeymoon, when a man in military fatigues washes onshore, claiming the end of the world is coming.About: I thought that this sold last week but it was actually sold much earlier in the year. Last week was the announcement that Jason […]
This week has an interesting ring to it. I’ll be reviewing two scripts that deal with the same subject matter in very different ways, one with a well-known director attached and one that sold just last week. We also have a guest reviewer coming in to review Shane Carruth’s (Primer) long in-development project, Topiary, which […]
On the last Friday of every month, I choose an amateur script submitted by you, the readers of the site, to review. If you’re interested in submitting for Amateur Fridays, send the genre, the title, the premise, and the reason I should read your script to Carsonreeves3@gmail.com. Note that your script will be posted online […]
Genre: Sci-FiPremise: A group of time-travellers jump back to 12th Century China in search of a rare gene that will save mankind. Problems arise when they find themselves in the direct path of Genghis Khan’s army.About: Details are scarce about this one, but it was acquired by Sony earlier in the year. David Gleeson is […]
Genre: FantasyPremise: Conan The Barbarian becomes a reluctant king and fathers a son, who is then groomed to become the future King.About: It should be noted that this is NOT the draft of the script they used for the new Conan project, but rather the famous 2001 John Milius draft that many geeks have fallen […]