
Genre: Comedy Premise: (from IMDB) A father’s life unravels while he deals with a marital crisis and tries to manage his relationship with his children. About: Helping keep that big spec sale dream alive, Fogelman’s comedy sold for a 2010 best 2 million dollars! What is this? The nineties?? Fogelman’s name may sound familiar as […]
Genre: Thriller/DramaPremise: (from IMDB) Based on a true story, a mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive.About: The buzz hit early on this script, highlighted by the fact that there will be an entire hour without a shred of dialogue. One of the […]
Genre: DramaPremise: A selfish workaholic chef tries to get back into the restaurant game after a much publicized meltdown years ago.About: Like a lot of projects that gain instant notoriety in Hollywood, Untitled Chef Project burst onto the scene after David Fincher attached himself to it. This would have paired him with thespian Keanu Reeves […]
And Roger makes three! This week we have an unprecedented THREE impressive scripts, one that even joins the coveted Top 25. That just doesn’t happen. Especially lately. The other two scripts are…ehhh, not very good. As for where to find it, this script has been around for forever (get it, cause it’s immortal?), and I […]
SPOILERS and NO SCRIPT LINKS below. Genre: Sci-FiPremise: (from IMDB) In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a single idea within one’s mind can be the most dangerous weapon or the most valuable asset.About: Risking what might be the biggest payout for a director behind Cameron, Lucas, and […]