Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: Set fifty years in the future, an optimistic young man brings his A.I. fiancée home to meet his technophobic family. About: This script finished in second place in the March Logline Showdown, behind the awesome Blood Moon Trail, which I reviewed on Friday. Integrating Anna received 19 votes, which was 22% of […]
I’m always looking for that screenwriting angle to an industry story. So when I see that Dungeons and Dragons couldn’t quite manage 40 million dollars on its opening weekend in an industry where big-budget films need to make 60 million dollars *AT LEAST* to be considered a success, I ask, “What can we learn from […]
Is there no end to the awesomeness that is Logline Showdown?? We’ve got yet ANOTHER hell of a script! Download the screenplay yourself at the bottom of the review! Genre: Western Original Logline: In 1867 Nebraska, a Pinkerton agent banished to a desolate post for an act of cowardice finds a chance at redemption when […]
Today, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, David Aaron Cohen. David’s been working as a writer in this business for 30 years. The two of us have bonded over our Chicago deep-dish roots and mutual love of tennis, specifically our fascination with the sport’s newest superstar, Carlos Alcaraz. David was able […]
After seeing John Wick 4, I started thinking about set pieces a lot. What makes a good set piece? What makes a bad set piece? What makes a great set piece! Set pieces are a big part of writing screenplays, especially if you’re writing big budget stuff. And they aren’t something you can wing on […]