Has the exceptional Sheridan written yet another great TV show? Genre: TV 1 Hour Drama Premise: Tommy works as a “fixer” for the oil companies in booming West Texas, where there’s a new problem gumming up the pipelines every day. About: Taylor Sheridan is back with yet ANOTHER show, this one to star Billy Bob […]
I am so enormously overworked at the moment that I am unable to formulate a post today. It hurts just placing my fingers on the keys. So I asked an old friend of mine how to sell a script and this is what he said.
Genre: Action Premise: In order to clear his name and re-enter the Order, John Wick will have to take on the guy at the top of the program’s pyramid, the psycho, Marquis Vincent de Gramont. About: The John Wick franchise had its biggest weekend ever, scoring 73 million bucks. This means that if you were […]
Last month, we had two winners. There was Rosemary, the actual winner. And then there was Fear City, which got second place but was able to attain the nearly impossible Showdown rating of an “Impressive.” Who will emerge this month? I, for one, can’t wait to find out! Every second-to-last Friday of the month, I […]
Get your loglines in for the Logline Showdown tonight (Thursday)!!! If you’re planning on entering the Logline Showdown, get your logline into me by tonight (Thursday) at 10pm Pacific Time! The top five loglines will be posted tomorrow (Friday) so you’ll get some instant gratification as to whether your logline made it or not. Send […]