Genre: ComedyPremise: A family man on the verge of a mid-life crisis turns his basement into a “man-cave”, complete with all the amenities every man needs. Later he discovers a hidden passage in the cave that takes him into an alternate reality male dreamworld.About: Man Cave was picked up by Sony in April. Joe Roth […]
Genre: Horror/ThrillerPremise: A fly fisherman lures his victims in with bait and guts them like fish.About: Nicholl Fellowship winner 2007.Writer: Michael L. Hare This is going to cause some of you to have an orgasm. Seriously. If I had to describe this script, it would be a cross between The Strangers and Donnie Darko, two […]
Since last week was Thriller/Bank Heist week, this week is going to be a little lighter. I’m predicting at least a couple of comedies. Although I say that having just read a horror script. What, you say? You read a horror script?? Yes, I did. And I just know some of you are going to […]
Genre: Action/Heist (sort of)Premise: A bank robber must go undercover to sell out his old partner.About: For those of you with sharp memories, Herman wrote the impressive Rites of Men, which I reviewed a couple of weeks ago. Loved that script. But it was Conviction, his bank heist screenplay, that was his first sale. The […]
Genre: ThrillerPremise: Set in the Alaskan wilderness, a forest fire spotter receives an unexpected visit from a mysterious man.About: Zetumer sold Villain to 2929 studios awhile back. Although he started out writing big sprawling action films, Villain was the script that got him noticed, secured him an agent, and ultimately landed him a sale. The […]