
Genre: Sci-Fi ThrillerPremise: A young computer genius discovers a series of computers cooperating with each other. He suspects foul play.About: Exit Zero is on a few of those “Best Unproduced Scripts in Hollywood” lists. Wimmer has a couple of scripts in my Top 25, including Law-Abiding Citizen (which I seem to be the only fan […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: A father takes a man he beleives is his daughter’s abductor for a little ride. About: Snatched is a 2008 Nicholl winner. Writer: Lee Patterson I’ve covered a lot of scripts here on Scriptshadow. I’ve given you million dollar sales. I’ve given you Black List scripts. I’ve given you adaptations and reviews […]
Genre: Period Drama/AdventurePremise: A pair of thieves develop a scheme to steal the Mona Lisa in 1911 Paris.About: “Thieves” has enjoyed semi-cult status in Hollywood as one of the better unproduced screenplays of the last 10 years. It was going to be made back in 2002 but fell apart at the last second. It’s gearing […]
Genre: Sci-Fi DramaPremise: A trio growing up in a boarding school discover they are clones grown for the sole purpose of organ donation.About: Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo) directs Keira Knightly in this adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel. Garland wrote The Beach, 28 Days Later, and Sunshine. So if you liked any of those scripts, […]
Genre: DramaPremise: A man moves into war-torn Sarajevo hoping to get over his girlfriend’s death. At first just an observer, he gradually becomes an active participant in trying to end the war.About: Last I heard, Liam Neeson, Orlando Bloom, and Javier Bardem were to star. The script is based on the real-life experiences of Bill […]