
Genre: Thriller/Horror Premise: An overworked mother, frustrated with the lack of duty-sharing in her marriage, gets wrapped up in a community of career-focused women who may be turning their husbands into mindless robots. About: Author Chandler Baker is primed to make a lot of noise in Hollywood. Not only did her werewolf short story just […]
This might look like a stock image.  But this is what’s on my table right now! Okay, if you’re coming here to hate on Venom 3’s box office, you do not have a co-conspirator in me. My buddy Kelly wrote and directed it and I would never say anything bad about her or her work […]
Whenever I mention titles, I see a little dance going on in the comments section. It’s an exciting topic these titles, probably because they’re the most elusive element in screenwriting. Ruminating about what makes a good title gets my anxiety pumping. Do I even know the answer to what makes a good title? Or are […]
We’ve got a spec script with another wild twist ending! Genre: Legal Thriller Premise: When a rich New Yorker is the lead suspect in his wife’s murder, he hires his daughter from a previous marriage, whose wounds from him deserting her have never gone away, as his attorney. About: This spec sold earlier this year […]
The viral book is now being turned into a movie starring Sydney Sweeney Genre: Thriller Logline: Hard up for a job after spending 10 years in prison, a young woman is hired by a seemingly perfect family to be their housemaid, only to learn that her boss, the mother, is a raging gaslighting lunatic. About: […]