Hey guys, I’m running around today so I don’t have time for a normal post. But I just wanted to remind everyone who’s struggling with this journey to keep at it. Keep writing. Keep getting better. Your time will come. Unless you’re new to this, I’m sure you’ve had that moment where you’ve wondered if you should give up. Well, here’s something that may make you reconsider that option.

There was an author who became so discouraged with writing that he gave it up, not writing a single word for five years. The thing is, he couldn’t get this one idea out of his head. At a certain point, he couldn’t keep it in any longer. So he broke out the typewriter. “I did not stop writing for a single day for 18 straight months, until I finished the book.” He wrote this book as the husband and father of a family, so he had plenty of excuses to use if he wanted to (“There’s no time!”) But he made that effort to write every single day. That manuscript turned out to be One Hundred Years of Solitude, which would go on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide.
Think about that. You may have the next One Hundred Years of Solitude in you but the world will never get a chance to see it because you gave up. Now that would be a real tragedy.