
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Rogue Squadron, the Patty Jenkins Star Wars film that nobody other than Kathleen Kennedy asked for, has now been “delayed.” However, if you read further into the article, you learn that the delay is that so Patty Jenkins can “fulfill other obligations” on her other films (Cleopatra and Wonder Woman 3).

Hmmm… this sounds very suspicious to me. Star Wars was her priority project. Yet that’s the one she chose to put on the back burner? This is sounding like yet another forever delay (Lucasfilm’s new code phrase for “fired”). We saw this exact same thing happen with Rian Johnson’s new Star Wars movies. They’re still “delayed” (wink wink). I don’t know why this annoys me so much but Disney, dude. Be a man and just fire her. It’s okay to let someone go because their previous movie gave you pause on whether they could deliver a good Star Wars film.

I for one am thrilled by this development. As soon as the project was announced I rolled my eyes. Patty Jenkins is a bland filmmaker at best. Choosing her to reboot the Star Wars universe after what happened with 7, 8, and 9 very well might’ve destroyed the Star Wars brand for good. At least now it looks like they’ll start off with the Taika film, which has a much better chance of re-capturing the Star Wars magic.

You know I always have to report on the latest Star Wars news. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming!