Pretty soon I’ll be relaunching the site.  We’ll have a few extra things going on once that happens, which means more opportunities for you guys!  I’m looking for freelancers in two areas, script consulting and graphic arts. These aren’t salary positions.  Those chosen will be featured on Scriptshadow. Any business done through the site will result in a percentage split to be decided upon before the site relaunch.  If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, dust off those resumes!

1) Script Consultants – My own consulting rates have really kicked up lately which means I’ve had to turn down a lot of people.  Therefore, I’m looking for 4-5 Scriptshadow consultants to offer a wider variety of pricing for writers seeking script notes/coverage. Since I refuse to give clients anything but the best, you guys will have to bring it.  Send me your resume and any coverage samples you have.  Consultants with previous experience in the industry and current industry contacts will have a leg up.  But I want a wide pricing structure to service everybody, so some of the lower tier consultants don’t need to have worked with Spielberg. And of course, if your notes are amazing, you’ll have a great shot.

To submit: Send a resume and sample coverage to with the subject header: SCRIPT CONSULT.

2) Graphic Artists – The script game is changing. More and more writers are using concept art and one-sheets to market their material. Therefore, I’m looking for a core group of 4-5 graphic artists who specialize in concept art, one-sheets (posters), and storyboarding to service this emerging market. If you’re interested, send me some samples of your work as well as your resume.  The more you can show me, the better. Feel free to include a website sampling as well.

To submit: Send a resume and samples to with the subject header: GRAPHIC ART

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!