The contest runs at the end of the month so start sending your entries in now!

In this field, it’s rare that your screenplay ever gets any exposure. Even if you manage to get an agent and that agent sends your script out, you’ll be lucky if 20 people read your script from cover to cover. Scriptshadow is the only place in the world where people actually get to see and experience your writing on a large-scale level. And we’re on the cusp of celebrating your writing in a more visible way than ever before.

At the end of this month, we are having our first Mega-Showdown, a 2-week screenwriting competition for feature screenplays that anybody can enter, and it’s absolutely free. You will send me the title of your script, your genre, your logline, and the first 5 pages of your screenplay. From all the submissions, I will post the Top 10 loglines along with your screenplay’s first page. You, the readers of the site, will vote for your favorite. The top 4 will move on to week 2, where they will each get their own individual featured day, with their first five pages posted. Then, at the end of the week, we’ll have a second voting round and you will pick your favorite script of the 4. I will review the winning script that Monday.

All of it will play out in real time so you don’t have to spend months waiting for that e-mail from the contest-runners that may or may not come. This contest is a living breathing organism from the second we post the loglines until I review the winning script. And guess what? You can start entering your scripts RIGHT NOW. Here are the submission details…

What: Mega-Showdown (Online Feature Screenplay Contest)
What I need from you: Title, genre, logline, your first five pages
Optional: movie tagline, movie-crossover pitch
Contest Date: Friday, July 26th
Deadline: Thursday, July 25th, 10pm Pacific Time
Send to: entries should be sent to
How: Include “MEGA” in the subject line
Price: Free

I’m giving out TWO July 4th Screenplay Consult Deals (notes on your script). These deals are half-off the full price. E-mail me at with the subject line “JULY4” to get the deal. Also, if you suck at writing loglines, I’m here to help. My Deluxe Logline Consult involves me helping you craft your logline until it’s perfect. It’s 50 bucks. If you only want to know if your concept is good or not, I offer a basic logline analysis for 25 bucks. E-mail me at to get either!