The big announcement for the next Amateur Showdown is here. And it comes with a twist!! A true GAME-CHANGER!!!


This is a quick reminder that NEXT THURSDAY by 8pm Pacific Time, your Character Piece Showdown entry needs to be in! If you’re going to enter, send me your title, logline, genre, why we should read your script, and a PDF of the screenplay to

But now, it’s time for the announcement you’ve all been waiting for.

The next Amateur Showdown genre.

What will it be? Any ideas?

Here’s a clue. Entries need to be received by Thursday, October 15th, 8pm Pacific Time.

That is right, my friends. It’s happening in the month of October. And that can only mean one thing.

Time for the Official Announcement Cue


The next Amateur Showdown will be……. Horror Showdown.

I’m assuming all of you are dancing in your living rooms, calling your friends, busting out that Joseph Phelps Insignia 2016 wine you’ve been saving for the perfect occasion. I’m sure the media will go crazy once they get a hold of this info so who knows how many entries we’re going to receive. Is tens of thousands out of the realm of possibility?


Wait, what Carson? Are you trying to give us a heart attack?? How can you add anything more exciting than this?

Are you ready for the twist?

I don’t think you’re ready.

Maybe I should just cancel the twist.

Just kidding!

TWIST: You can submit either a horror screenplay or A HORROR SHORT STORY.

That’s right.

We can’t ignore reality anymore. Short horror stories are getting bought up for 7 figures routinely. So why not jump on that bandwagon?

I know some of you are going to hate this. I can actually see the hate flowing through the internet into my computer screen right now. It has arrived in the form of the ‘Update Now?’ pop-up alert that only allows me to delay the return of said alert for 1 day. I’m sorry, though. The bus has left the station. It’s too late to stop it.

Here’s why this will be fun. A script is 24,000 words. A short story can be 2000 words. It can be 1000 words. That means anyone here can get something written by the deadline. Which means we should have more competition. And more competition leads to a better winner. Game on, my friends.

Same entry process. Send me your title, logline, genre (horror or horror adjacent), why we should read your script/story, and a PDF of the screenplay/story to any time before Thursday, October 15th, 8pm Pacific Time.

If you want to know how to write a good short story, I’m sure many of you will have suggestions in the comments for what to read. I’m actually interested in hearing about some good short story destinations myself. If you want to get started, buy any of Stephen King’s short story collections. He’s the best.

Outside of that, have fun.

I think this is going to be a blast. You’ve got two months. Time to get started!