You know what time it is. It’s time to face up to your screenwriting sins! We’re almost seven months into 2018. Have you finished your two scripts yet? Have you finished one? Use this post to stay accountable. Tell us where you’re at. If you haven’t been as productive as you’d hoped, give us your reasons so we can prove to you that they are, in actuality, excuses. Ahh, but seriously. Let us know what’s going on so we can encourage you to keep at it. Screenwriting has always been a marathon, not a sprint. — By the way, Monday I will be reviewing Mission Impossible and Tuesday, Castle Rock. I’ve been desperately looking forward to Castle Rock (JJ Abrams and all). Mission Impossible, not so much. I can tell you that I loved one and disliked the other. But which one was which? Tune in this week to find out. :)