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New entries keep streaming in every day. If you are still putting the finishing touches on your script, here are a couple of tips. At this point, you should only be making minor scene changes, dialogue changes, and grammar and spelling fixes. To be honest, I wouldn’t do anything more than dialogue changes. Dialogue is something you can change right up to 3-4 days before you send your script out. Then, I would only spend the remaining days checking that new dialogue for grammar, spelling, and clarity issues. I’ve seen so many instances of last-second dialogue changes that are sloppy, confusing, and have grammar issues. That’s why you don’t want to make dialogue changes a day before you send your script off.  You need those last few days to clean up.

Let’s see what you’ve got!

What: Mega-Showdown (Online Feature Screenplay Contest)
What I need from you: Title, genre, logline, your first five pages
Optional: movie tagline, movie-crossover pitch
Contest Date: Friday, July 26th
Deadline: Thursday, July 25th, 10pm Pacific Time
Send to: entries should be sent to
How: Include “MEGA” in the subject line
Price: Free