Holy smokes is this a big one! I give you the secret trick to generating great movie concepts. I tell you just how much longer you have to take advantage of the short story sale trend. I bring back Comment of the Month. One of you won it and you don’t even know it yet! I talk the shock movie team-up of the month, the surprise movie team-up of the month, the kick-butt movie team-up of the month, and give you a way-too-long assessment of the Mandalorian movie announcement, which I provide the blueprint for to make great. I end things with a big splash spec script sale review that was announced just this past week. In short, this may be the greatest Scriptshadow newsletter ever! So why aren’t you on my newsletter? E-mail me at carsonreeves1@gmail.com to get on.

And please, anyone who’s on my newsletter list and not receiving the newsletter, e-mail me so I can yell at my mass mailer program.

P.S. As usual, I am fried from putting this thing together. So there will likely be no post on Monday. Feel free to use this comment section to get through the extended weekend. :)