

A Scriptshadow Newsletter Weekend.

What can you expect in this newsletter? All sorts of opinions, that’s for sure. I take on Christopher Nolan and his pretentiousness, I fawn over the new Batman trailer, I ask if Sofia Coppola was ever a good director on the eve of her latest film. I update you on Scriptshadow Productions. I update you on The Last Great Screenplay Contest. I review the latest Blumhouse script. And boy does that review get interesting. And, oh yeah, I do something I’ve never done before! I pitch a movie idea of mine. A movie idea that just happens to exist in the Star Wars universe.

So check your inboxes.

Check your spam folder.

Peek into your promotions folder.

If you still cannot find my newsletter, e-mail me at carsonreeves1@gmail.com with the subject line, “NEWSLETTER!” and I’ll send it to you.