Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoawhoawhoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoawhoa whoa whoa

What did I just watch?

I’m trying to process this. Lots of internal whoa-ness happing.

Happing? Happening? What’s the difference at this point?

Why is JJ shooting this in 3.75 to 1 aspect ratio? Did Tarantino get to him???

Was that the best thing I’ve ever seen or am I mistaken that a snowy lair from an excised Harry Potter motive made its way into the Episode 9 trailer.

I LOVE BB-1. Or whoever BB-8’s new best friend is. I will have six BB-1s of varying sizes as soon as they come out. We all need a BB-1 in our lives.

I LOOOOOOOOOVE the fixing of the helmet. I love this story beneath the story of JJ fixing Rian’s mess. What a great metaphor, JJ. I love you.

I have no idea what the heck was going on in that opening shot but I’ll say this. Starting in the desert on a close-up of one of the principles was JJ saying, “We’re going back to Force Awakens territory here,” since Finn popping up in a desert close-up was the very first look we had of this new trilogy in that famous Thanksgiving teaser.

JJ seems to like smashed broken big things. He had a bunch of Star Destroyers smashed up in Episode 7. Now a smashed Death Star in Ep 9.

I absolutely LOVE Lando being back. The great thing about Lando is that it’s exciting for Billy Dee to be back in Star Wars. For Harrison it was more of a job. So I think we’re going to see someone who really brings love and excitement to the hole that Han Solo left. It looks like they de-aged him a little too.

I LOVE shots of everyone together again, like Chewbacca and R2 and Threepio. JJ knows how to make us feel good.

But the biggest takeaway from this BY FAR is Luke saying we’re never really gone and the movie being titled The Rise of Skywalker. If JJ brings Luke back so he can finally have his big wipe out 25 AT-ATs with the flip of his wrist moment, I will legally change my last name to JJ.

No idea what’s going on with the Emperor stuff. I don’t know if I want him back or not because I’m not sure he brings anything relevant to the table. But Luke? Yeah, bring Luke back.

Signing off. In JJ we trust.

Hail BB-1.